Thursday, May 27, 2010

May Blog Self-Assessment

ArtsAPS Self-Assessment of Blog Entries – T. Butts

May 2010

Please assess yourself on the quality of your blog entries (all entries, including reading responses, journal entries, classroom reflections, personal accounts, etc). Please turn in one self assessment during the February class and one during the May class. This tool is designed to help you reflect on how well you are synthesizing the many ArtsAPS ideas and activities you are being exposed to.



ArtsAPS Content

Personal Reflection



My response is thorough.
I make meaningful connections to important ideas from course readings & activities to my teaching. I draw on previous knowledge and connect my response to larger issues. I support my responses by citing evidence, relevant details and accurate facts.

My reflections are thoughtful and complete.
I reveal personal feelings about the topic. I reflect on personal experiences related to the topic. I use humor, raise questions, speculate about answers, and use other techniques that probe for deeper meaning.

I describe how my understanding has changed using specific, meaningful examples.
I make comparisons between what I understood before and what I understand now.
I raise important questions for further exploration, or describe new topics I'd like to learn.


My response is adequate but could be more thorough. I make some connections to ideas from the course.
I support my responses with some details and facts, but they are not completely accurate.

My reflections are adequate, but could be more thoughtful.
I reveal some personal feelings about the topic.
I mention personal experiences but don't reflect on them.
I use some humor or questioning in my writing.

I describe how my understanding has changed and give some examples. I make comparisons between what I understood before and what I understand now.
I briefly mention new questions or topics for exploration.


My response is incomplete. The connections I make to other ideas or information are weak.
I provide only weak or incomplete supporting evidence.

My reflections are brief.
I reveal very little about my personal feelings or experiences. There is little reflection or questioning; it sounds as if I'm not really interested in the topic.

I provide some information about how my understanding has changed. I don't include any examples. I provide only limited comparison between what I understood before and what I understand now.


My response is random or unrelated to the question. My writing is disorganized and unconnected to any important ideas.

My reflection is limited or superficial. I don't reveal any personal feelings or ideas.

I don't reveal anything about how my understanding of the issue has changed.

Your score/ notes:


I did much better with making meaningful connections from my reading as compared to my daily classroom instruction. I began to see the connection a lot more clearly once synthesis began to take place.

I did a much better job of reflecting on personal experiences as well as probing for better meaning and understanding.

I got pretty good at analyzing what I did before and how what I have learned has altered what I do now. Many questions are raised that will lead to further exploration.



(Adapted from The Shape of Change: A Curriculum for Building Strong Communities and a Sustainable Economy. © 2000 Susan Santone/Creative Change Educational Solutions.

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