Thursday, May 27, 2010

Art Escape Pictures

Bill Jenkins' World of Music Workshop at the Anacostia Museum

Playing Percussion Instruments at the World of Music Workshop

Art Escape: Washington DC

Art Escape: The Smithsonian Institute
Washington, DC
May 14-16, 2010

On Friday, May 14, 2010, I and my colleagues of artsAPS Cohort # 2, under the guidance of Dr. Colette Hopkins, boarded an Amtrak train from Atlanta, GA heading to Washington, DC. Prior to boarding, I had already gone online to visit the Smithsonian website and had made some preliminary decisions about where I wanted to visit upon my arrival in DC. On the website, I discovered a Motown Exhibit scheduled to be housed at the Anacostia Museum during the time of our visit. So naturally, I selected the Anacostia Museum ( as my first experience of the day. The second experience I chose was the National Museum of African Art ( I planned to visit these two museums.

On Saturday, May 15, 2010, we arrived at Union Station in Washington, DC. The group quickly assembled to go over the plan for the day. We broke up into groups. The Anacostia group got together, got into three taxicabs, and headed for the Anacostia Museum. After taking a series of photographs outside, we then proceeded in.

I entered the building, I could hear the receptionist telling members of our group that the Motown Exhibit was gone. I was a little disappointed but I proceeded to the exhibit that was currently there. It was called The African Presence in Mexico: From Yanga to Present, Who are we Now? Roots, Resistance, & Recognition. The artwork in this exhibit told the story of the existence and contributions of people of African descent in Mexico for almost 500 years. I had no idea until I saw this exhibit, that Africans had arrived in Mexico with the first Spanish conquistadores.

I saw a huge parallel with the Mexicans of African descent and African Americans. Their plights were similar, they were taken from Africa through slavery, a caste system was forced on them by their oppressors, and they still struggle for their unwritten contributions to be placed in the history books where all people can have access to their contributions. I also discovered that there was collaboration between the African Mexicans and African Americans. There was the Underground Railroad in Mexico, the Louisiana Creole Connection, and the Black Seminole Migrations. The Mexican Americans have also provided a safe haven for African Americans and Latinos seeking more freedom than they were offered in America.
The second experience we experienced at the Anacostia Museum was a hands-on music workshop experience with Bill Jenkins. As arts educators, this was a wonderful way to start the day. It was meaningful to us because it connected to who we were and what we do. He had a large variety of instruments from percussion to stringed instruments. Bill Jenkins’ World of Music has over two hundred music instruments. It was a wonderful musical experience and we enjoyed exploring a large range of instruments that we don’t get to perform on in our work environments on a day to day basis.

When we left there, I went on visit the African Art Museum. When I entered, there was a live performance going on in the basement. It was a modern dance presentation and it was very informative and enlightening. I particularly enjoyed the education on the top ten components to look for in a modern dance number.
After I left the modern dance exhibition, I went on to visit several other exhibits in this museum. There one was that stays in my mind daily. It was an exhibit by Paul Emmanuel of South Africa. His exhibit is called Transitions. The subject of his work that I related to the most was A Rite of Passage, which depicted a series of images of young men marching to military camp to get their heads shaved for induction into the military. This drawed me in because my father, who is now deceased, was a military man. The white t-shirts hanging on the clothes line and the men getting haircuts reminded me so much of him. Paul Emmanuel has comprised a series of seemingly photographic pieces of artwork. However, they are not photographs. A museum guide explained to me that he takes a fine steel blade and obsessively scratches away the black exposed and processed emulsion that coats photographic paper. I noticed not only black and gray colors in his work but also rust colored tones that I was told was created by the weight of the blade on the photographic paper. It was remarkable. I was certain that I was looking at a photograph.

I found meaning in the Transitions exhibit. Reflecting on my experience in this exhibit immediately makes me think of Pink’s “A Whole New Mind”, when he talks about meaning . This particular work by Emmanuel gave me a sense of spiritual fulfillment. It took be beyond what I was actually looking at and I began to see other visuals from my own life in my mind as they related tomy father. I see why it is so important for the learning experience to be meaningful. It allows the student to connect to learning in a way that he or she will not be able to forget it. And at the same time, story was evident as well. After viewing these works of art that were meaningful to me, I began to see my own story unfold in my mind. It’s not a day that goes by since I have returned from this Art Escape that I don’t see one of Emmanuel’s images in my mind. To me, that’s powerful.

The Sunday, May 16, 2010, we arrived back in Atlanta, GA. Later that day, my 11 year old daughter had her dance recital, and sure enough, I found myself looking for those ten components of modern dance that I had experienced at the African Art Museum on Saturday. I shared this connection with my daughter.
I really enjoyed this escape and hope to be able to provide some type of arts escape for my students in the upcoming school year. Learning can take place in non-traditional environments. Hopefully I can find some that will impact my students the way this arts escape impacted me.

Action Research Project: Intonation

Action Research Project
How to Improve Intonation for Middle School Orchestra Students

Description of the Problem
Each year, students all across the state of Georgia participate in the GMEA Orchestra Large Group Performance Evaluation Festival. In South Carolina and Georgia, intonation is one of the standards by which judges rate the performance groups. In my twenty-five years of teaching, the groups I have taken to participate in the festivals have done relatively well in the area of intonation. However, over the past five to eight years, I have observed that the groups I have taken to festival have continued to receive mediocre ratings in the area of intonation. I have pondered over what methods or techniques would be more meaningful for my students to help them address this issue as well as what methods I can implement as a teacher to help my students improve in this area.
In Orchestra class, students have been working on scales as an opening activity to the lesson. Most students can play the scale relatively in tune. However, a good number of them do not. It has been my observation that the f sharp on the d string is the note that students have the most difficulty playing in tune. Most students can get the e note on the d string in tune. For most of them, if they get the f sharp in tune, they know where the third finger placement should be. I would like to explore some possible solutions as to how this f sharp intonation problem can best be addressed.

The aim of this action research study was to identify effective strategies for improving the intonation of middle school orchestra students, specifically the f sharp on the d string, by using a variety of methods and strategies in the daily classroom environment. I sought to answer the following questions:
1) What methods would be beneficial in helping the students in my middle school orchestra classes develop better intonation, particularly the f sharp on the d string?
2) What students are having the most difficulty with intonation?
2) What can I do differently, as a teacher, to help students fix this problem?
3) What cost-effective methods are available to assist students with improving intonation?
4) What methods does the research suggest for improving intonation?
5) What methods for improving intonation worked the best?

Domain of the Project
School Setting and Participants
The setting for this action research study is two middle schools in the Atlanta Public Schools System, Atlanta, GA. Both schools are Title One schools and are considered at-risk schools. Over 95% of students at both schools are on free or reduced lunch. 86% of the students are female students and 14% of the participants are male. The grade level distribution is 6th Grade, 40%, 7th graders, 32% and 8th graders, 28%.

The first school is Turner Middle School (TMS). It has a very small student population of a little over 220 students. Of those 220, 20 students are enrolled in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade orchestra classes. 100% of these students are African-American. Eighty percent are female and the other 20 percent is made up of male students. Classes are held each Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 60 minutes. There are 60 minutes allotted for instruction, on paper, however, movement to and from class and the required written work (thinking maps, opening activities, etc.) that are required of all teachers, only leaves us with about 30 minutes of actual music instruction.

The second school where I conducted this study was Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy (CSKYWLA). This is an all-female student academy, so 100% of students enrolled in the orchestra program are female and African-American. Orchestra classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday for 90 minutes. Students actually spend approximately 70-75 minutes of the 90 minute period on their instruments during the instructional period. There are approximately 30 students who participate in orchestra classes.

Design of the Project
This project took place over a period of four weeks. Before I started my research project, I created a survey that collected information from the students to find out their level of awareness about intonation ( See Appendix A). . The data was transcribed immediately in order to guide me in the direction that I felt I needed to take to get the students to listen more critically. Before the intervention, I administered a pre-intervention playing assessment to all students. Students were given a composition that included eleven f sharps, spread out over an eight measure passage of music (see Appendix B). The teacher circled the notes that were out of tune as each student performed. This assessment was given to all students on all grade levels. The main materials used in the intervention were from my online research. I tried to find ways to make this task fun and interesting for the students and to also allow them to make some choices about which method they would enjoy and benefit from the most. In my research, I found seven methods that I thought would help students to hear the notes first. This helped to guide me and direct me to a starting point that would get to the core of the problem. Here are seven strategies that I found in my research that were used simultaneously during my action research project. The strategies I implemented were:
1) Sing everything before you play – Students sang the D major scale and music selections before they performed them.
2) Always audiate what you are going to perform before you perform it. – The more advanced students were able to move to audiating without singing aloud. This was evident by the number of students who started making adjustments as they played.
3) Develop proper instrument position and a good, flexible left-hand position – The teacher constantly tapped wrists, took photos, gave verbal cues, etc. to help students remember to check the left hand posture and adjust if necessary.
4) Don’t rely on tapes or dots on the fingerboard. – Students were encouraged not to look at their fingers while playing.
5) Have students to play rote passages so they can concentrate on what they hear and not on what they see. The D major scale was the passage most students liked to play. They were familiar with the tune of the scale.
6) Develop musical independence right from the start. Students were encouraged to take ownership of their intonation and encouraged to adjust the left hand technique and finger patterns if they felt necessary. Verbal praise was given when this was observed.
7) Sing something alone and play something alone.- Students could play and sing a scale or familiar passage for the class.

Methodology and Process

Based on the results of the pre-intervention playing assessment, students who scored less that 70% on their pre- assessment were given small group instruction in addition to the whole group instruction that the entire class received.

At least 30 minutes of each class period was designated for students to work on intonation. The entire class was involved in the intonation focus groups at the beginning of each lesson. Students spent approximately 5-10 minutes vocally matching pitches played by the teacher. The next 5-10 minutes was spent on practicing the D major scale without printed music. The teacher would then divide the class in half. For the next 5-10 minutes, one half of the class would play the scale on their instruments while the second half would sing along with them. Then, they would reverse the roles. Once this was complete, students who showed left hand technique problems stayed with small group sessions with the teachers while the other students worked on sheet music or exercises from the book. Anecdotal notes were kept on a daily basis to track the overall progress of each student. After the work period, students were asked to sing and perform a one-line excerpt from their sheet music or book exercise. Verbal praise was given to students who were able to make left hand finger adjustments while they were performing on their instruments.


Before I started my research project, I created a survey that collected information from the students to find out their level of awareness about intonation (see Appendix A). The data was transcribed immediately in order to guide me in the direction that I felt I needed to take to get the students to listen more critically. When asked how many students felt that they played in tune, 64% answered yes and 36% answered no, as seen in Table 1. However, when asked if the teacher had ever mentioned to them that they needed to adjust their intonation, 84% said yes and 16% said no as seen in Table 1. What that showed me was that the student’s interpretation of playing in tune and the teacher’s interpretation were not aligned.

Table 1. Survey Questions about Intonation

Survey Question – 50 Students Surveyed



  1. Do you feel like you play your music in tune on a regular basis?



  1. Has your teacher ever mentioned to you that you need to adjust your intonation?



A survey and pre- and post-intervention assessments were used for data collection. Before the project began, students were given a composition that included eleven f sharps, spread out over an eight-measure passage of music. The teacher circled the notes that were out of tune as each student performed. This assessment was given to all students on all grade levels. The percentage of accuracy became that student’s baseline score. At the conclusion of the project, each student was tested on the same musical passage to see what changes, if any, had occurred.

As shown in Graph 1a, 6th grade students from CSKYWLA showed no gains in the degree of accuracy in which they could perform the music excerpt after four weeks. Graph 1b shows that 6th grade students at TMS made a slight gain of 5% on their post – intervention scores. In Graph 2a, 7th grade students from CSKYWLA showed small gains in the degree of accuracy in which they could perform the music excerpt after four weeks. Graph 2b shows that 7th grade students at TMS made a noticeable gain of 17% on their post – intervention scores. In Graph 3a, 8th grade students from CSKYWLA showed no gains at all. There was actually a 4% decrease in the degree of accuracy in which they could perform the music excerpt after four weeks. Graph 3b shows that 8th grade students at TMS made a noticeable gain of 10% on their post – intervention scores.

Looking at the big picture, the overall data in Chart 4. indicates that 50% of the students increased their scores on the post-intervention assessment. More students decreased in accuracy than those who stayed the same.

The results of this action research project suggest that over half of the students who participated in this study showed an increase in the ability to play a selected passage of music in tune after a variety of methods had been implemented into the daily lesson. All classes showed gains in their ability to play in tune except the 6th and 8th grade classes at CSKYWLA, as shown in Chart 1a and Chart 3a. In my daily observations, I observed improvements in students’ intonation. More students were adjusting the left hand technique as they played. More students appeared to make adjustments to finger placement as they performed musical passages, especially when they were playing longer note values. In keeping with Pink’s A Whole New Mind, students enjoyed the freedom to learn and to help others learn. There was a real sense of play during the first 30 minutes of class and students were able to be productive and involved in instruction without the seriousness and tight structure of the regular classroom instructional period. Feedback was provided to students immediately to allow them to make adjustments on the spot. Gardner mentions in his book “The best thing is to invite young persons to participate in synthesizing efforts and to give them regular, useful feedback” (Gardner, H.). Students were encouraged to synthesize the activities in a way that they could remember.
One of the most important results of the action research project, for me, has been the knowledge that I have gained as a teacher on this problem of intonation. I discovered that this problem has existed for some time. As string players, we have all experienced situations where issues of intonation arise, but with no clear answers at hand (Borup, H). In the article Band and Orchestra – Improving Intonation in Your School Program – Part I,. the writer states that there has been very little in constructive and concrete methods to make the director’s task of improving intonation easier. Intonation and ways to improve intonation continue to be at the top of the music director’s list of perplexing problems. I found several views concerning how to deal with this problem. Quite a bit of the research suggested that students need to be able to hear the notes before the notes are played. (Reel, J.). Kato Havas echoed the same position in the book New Approach to Violin Playing (Bosworth, London: 1970). At the ASTA National Conference of music teachers held in Atlanta, Georgia in 2009, Presenter Monte Belknap, shared in his article that some experts suggest that you practice playing from memory as soon as possible to eliminate the dominant sense (sight) so that your hearing and feeling senses are augmented ( Belknap, Monte).

I found an interesting online blog where a gentleman was asking for suggestions on how he could improve his intonation ( I found that these suggestions were pretty much in line with the other suggestions found on various other websites.

1) Sing to increase your aural sense of intonation
2) Practice scales against open strings
3) Train your ear to play with better accuracy
4) Ear training
5) Play with accompaniment
6) Practice with a tuner that picks up sound
7) Play both melodic and minor scales.
8) Practice scales, arpeggios, and double stop scales in every key

Another important result of this action research project was the increase in students’ awareness of intonation. Students began singing music excerpts without being told to do so by the teacher. When practicing a music passage, I observed students working alone, and in small groups, singing passages before they played them. I have a few students who were able to audiate without singing, which was evident by the adjustment of fingers while they were playing. I also observed students letting their peers know that a note they heard sounded out of tune, or that they noticed the finger placement was not quite right. Some even offered suggestions to other students on what they needed to do to fix the problem. As a teacher, that made me feel good. Not only are students hearing these things from me, they are now hearing it from their peers as well.

One factor that may have affected the results of this action research project is the attitude of the students who participated in the study. The 6th and 8th grade students at CSKYWLA are typically my most difficult students to deal with in the classroom. They are not very receptive to new ideas and they tend to have more behavior problems than my other classes at CSKYWLA and at TMS. My most serious minded and focused class is the 7th grade class at TMS. This class had the largest gains on the post-intervention assessment of 17% (see Chart 2b).

Conclusions and Recommendations

The purpose of this action research project was to explore effective strategies for improving middle school students’ intonation by using a variety of methods. The most important questions the research project attempted to answer was what improvements in intonation might result from using a variety of methods in the regular classroom setting. We were able to experience success with the four-week program. From now on, we will continue to focus on intonation on a daily basis.
In the future, I would definitely like to try using more ear training strategies along with intonation strategies to see if I am able to get increased results. This project has shown me that if there is a problem, you must make time during instruction to work on it, if the problem is going to get better. I will definitely continue to use some of these strategies I have learned over the course of this action research project. Adding singing to daily instruction is probably one of the things that I will implement on a daily basis from here on out. This method has been invaluable.

This action research project will be communicated with other orchestra teachers in the district through a PowerPoint presentation of my findings. This PowerPoint file will be emailed through district email. Teachers will be encouraged to share ideas and offer possible suggestions for additional methods or ideas that they might find beneficial. I will share the strategies that I implemented that were taken from an online article called Sound Advice: Fourteen Steps toward Improved Intonation. (Reel, J.).


Belknap, Monte, So You Want to Play in Tune? Retrieved from on
April 12, 2010.

Borup, Hasse. A History of Intonation. Retrieved from on April 12, 2010.

Clapton, Ben, Intonation Practice. Practicing: A request for practice techniques to improve
intonation. Retrieved from on
4/18 2010.

Gardner, Howard. 5 minds of the future. 2008

Havas, Kato. New Approach to Violin Playing (Bosworth, London: 1970).

Norton, Herter M., The Art of String Quartet Planning (Simon & Shuster, 1901)

Reel, James. Sound Advice: Fourteen steps towards improved intonation. Retrieved from on April 16, 2010.

Appendix A.

Intonation Survey Results
Number or Responses Received from 50 students

1. What is your race?
African-American- 50 Caucasian-0 Other-0

2. What is your gender?
Male- 7 Female-43

3. What grade are you in?
6th- 20 7th - 16 8th -14

4. What instrument do you play this year?
Violin- 27 Viola- 10 Cello- 8 Bass- 5

5. Including this year, how many years have you been playing a musical instrument?
0-1 - 17 2 - 11 3- 8 4 or more- 14

6. How much time do you spend practicing your instrument outside of class?
0 minutes per week - 23 30-45 minutes per week - 22 More than 60 minutes per week- 5

7. Do you feel like you play your music in tune on a regular basis?
Yes- 32 No- 18

8. Has your teacher ever mentioned to you that you need to adjust your intonation?
Yes- 42 No- 8

9. On a scale of 1-10, how would your teacher rate you on your ability to play in tune?
0-2 Bad - 3 3-5 Fair - 12 6-8 Good- 23 9-10 Very Good- 12

10. What do you do to adjust your intonation when you are playing out of tune?
Move fingers – 17 Fix it – 11 No response – 8 Correct Left Hand – 5
Give it to the teacher – 5 Tune my instrument – 2 Correct Posture – 2

Action Research Project: Charts and Graphs

Action Research Project: Appendix B.

May Blog Self-Assessment

ArtsAPS Self-Assessment of Blog Entries – T. Butts

May 2010

Please assess yourself on the quality of your blog entries (all entries, including reading responses, journal entries, classroom reflections, personal accounts, etc). Please turn in one self assessment during the February class and one during the May class. This tool is designed to help you reflect on how well you are synthesizing the many ArtsAPS ideas and activities you are being exposed to.



ArtsAPS Content

Personal Reflection



My response is thorough.
I make meaningful connections to important ideas from course readings & activities to my teaching. I draw on previous knowledge and connect my response to larger issues. I support my responses by citing evidence, relevant details and accurate facts.

My reflections are thoughtful and complete.
I reveal personal feelings about the topic. I reflect on personal experiences related to the topic. I use humor, raise questions, speculate about answers, and use other techniques that probe for deeper meaning.

I describe how my understanding has changed using specific, meaningful examples.
I make comparisons between what I understood before and what I understand now.
I raise important questions for further exploration, or describe new topics I'd like to learn.


My response is adequate but could be more thorough. I make some connections to ideas from the course.
I support my responses with some details and facts, but they are not completely accurate.

My reflections are adequate, but could be more thoughtful.
I reveal some personal feelings about the topic.
I mention personal experiences but don't reflect on them.
I use some humor or questioning in my writing.

I describe how my understanding has changed and give some examples. I make comparisons between what I understood before and what I understand now.
I briefly mention new questions or topics for exploration.


My response is incomplete. The connections I make to other ideas or information are weak.
I provide only weak or incomplete supporting evidence.

My reflections are brief.
I reveal very little about my personal feelings or experiences. There is little reflection or questioning; it sounds as if I'm not really interested in the topic.

I provide some information about how my understanding has changed. I don't include any examples. I provide only limited comparison between what I understood before and what I understand now.


My response is random or unrelated to the question. My writing is disorganized and unconnected to any important ideas.

My reflection is limited or superficial. I don't reveal any personal feelings or ideas.

I don't reveal anything about how my understanding of the issue has changed.

Your score/ notes:


I did much better with making meaningful connections from my reading as compared to my daily classroom instruction. I began to see the connection a lot more clearly once synthesis began to take place.

I did a much better job of reflecting on personal experiences as well as probing for better meaning and understanding.

I got pretty good at analyzing what I did before and how what I have learned has altered what I do now. Many questions are raised that will lead to further exploration.



(Adapted from The Shape of Change: A Curriculum for Building Strong Communities and a Sustainable Economy. © 2000 Susan Santone/Creative Change Educational Solutions.

Feb Blog Assessment

ArtsAPS Self-Assessment of Blog Entries – T. Butts

Feb 2010

Please assess yourself on the quality of your blog entries (all entries, including reading responses, journal entries, classroom reflections, personal accounts, etc). Please turn in one self assessment during the February class and one during the May class. This tool is designed to help you reflect on how well you are synthesizing the many ArtsAPS ideas and activities you are being exposed to.



ArtsAPS Content

Personal Reflection



My response is thorough.
I make meaningful connections to important ideas from course readings & activities to my teaching. I draw on previous knowledge and connect my response to larger issues. I support my responses by citing evidence, relevant details and accurate facts.

My reflections are thoughtful and complete.
I reveal personal feelings about the topic. I reflect on personal experiences related to the topic. I use humor, raise questions, speculate about answers, and use other techniques that probe for deeper meaning.

I describe how my understanding has changed using specific, meaningful examples.
I make comparisons between what I understood before and what I understand now.
I raise important questions for further exploration, or describe new topics I'd like to learn.


My response is adequate but could be more thorough. I make some connections to ideas from the course.
I support my responses with some details and facts, but they are not completely accurate.

My reflections are adequate, but could be more thoughtful.
I reveal some personal feelings about the topic.
I mention personal experiences but don't reflect on them.
I use some humor or questioning in my writing.

I describe how my understanding has changed and give some examples. I make comparisons between what I understood before and what I understand now.
I briefly mention new questions or topics for exploration.


My response is incomplete. The connections I make to other ideas or information are weak.
I provide only weak or incomplete supporting evidence.

My reflections are brief.
I reveal very little about my personal feelings or experiences. There is little reflection or questioning; it sounds as if I'm not really interested in the topic.

I provide some information about how my understanding has changed. I don't include any examples. I provide only limited comparison between what I understood before and what I understand now.


My response is random or unrelated to the question. My writing is disorganized and unconnected to any important ideas.

My reflection is limited or superficial. I don't reveal any personal feelings or ideas.

I don't reveal anything about how my understanding of the issue has changed.

Your score/ notes:


I could be a little more thorough in including concepts covered in the artsAPS class.

I tried to include personal feelings about the topics discussed in order to make a meaningful connection.

I tried to explain what changes I have made in my instructional approach since beginning the artsAPS class.


(Adapted from The Shape of Change: A Curriculum for Building Strong Communities and a Sustainable Economy. © 2000 Susan Santone/Creative Change Educational Solutions.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Video Self Assessing 26 Best Practices and ArtsAPS Learning

Name: Toni E. Butts Date: May 3, 2010

Teacher: Dr. Adriana Janse van Rensburg


Self Assessing 26 Best Practices and ArtsAPS Learning

Best Practice and

ArtsAPS Learning


9-10 Points


6-8 Points

Approaching 3-5 Points


0-2 Points

Rating by Self

All materials, supplies, and equipment were ready prior to the beginning of the lesson.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



The teacher modeled what students were to know and be able to do and applied what was taught to real-life situations.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Questions went beyond simple recall, and required student to think, synthesize, evaluate, and conclude.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Teachers reviewed students' understanding of a previous lesson to make connections to current instruction.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Classroom and group discussions occurred at appropriate times during the lesson.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Students were required to explain their responses/answers.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



The skills, concepts, and content that were taught were appropriately aligned to new Georgia Performance Standards and local performance standards.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Lesson clearly implemented a concept from ArtsAPS readings (Pink, Gardner) as part of the learning objective or as part of the instructional strategy

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Re-teaching activities were provided for students who need additional instruction.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Teacher assessed (formally or informally) students level of understanding during the lesson.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



The variety of learning activities/teaching strategies reflected the teacher's understanding of students' needs, strengths, learning styles, and special interests.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



The instructional activities, materials, and resources were appropriately aligned to the grade level lesson objective and/or Essential Question.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Homework and follow-up assignments were differentiated to meet the varying needs and strengths of the student.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



A well-managed learning environment fostered equity, diversity, and fairness that resulted in students trusting and cooperating with each other.

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Video Quality Volume and image quality clear and easy to hear and see; video showed all significant teaching and interactions with students

More than 90% of the time

80 to 90% of the time.

50- 80% of the time.

Less than 50% of the time.


Video Refl ection Uses complete

sentences and models correct language usage

Always (99-100% of time)

Mostly (80-98%)

Sometimes (70-80%)



Written Critical Reflection on Teaching Video

The context for this instructional sequence consists of seven 7th grade orchestra students. These students perform at the beginning level. Three of the seven students started playing a stringed instrument in the 6th grade. Two of them perform at an intermediate level. The other four students started this year, in the 7th grade. Their combined class meets three days a week for approximately 60 minutes. However, time for transitioning to orchestra class and back to their core, class takes up about 8- 10 minutes of the 60-minute period. There is roughly 40-45 minutes remaining for actual classroom instruction.

I chose this lesson because it fell in line with my action research study on intonation. I have had some concerns about the intonation of my students, particularly, the f# on the d string. Most students can get the e and the g note but for some reason, the f# is always too low. I decided to focus on this problem and I have been experimenting with various strategies and techniques in order to help improve the overall intonation of the class ensemble. This lesson was one of those lessons where we focused primarily on intonation.

Each year when we returned from the GMEA Large Group Performance Festival, we discovered that intonation was our weakest area. This year, because of the action research project, I was able to devote much more time to working on intonation than I had in previous years.

Another feature of my teaching context is my classroom. It is relatively small, has one door, and a double window. It is cold in the winter and warm in the spring. The heating and cooling units have not worked sufficiently over the past seven years. It is the last classroom in the gymnasium and is tucked away in the far corner. This helps me to maintain a healthy and safe environment for my students to learn.

I am provided with an annual budget of approximately $2,000.00 per year, although I hardly ever see the goods until the school year has ended, so we are really operating on what was ordered the previous school year.

In this lesson, I demonstrate technology use simply by using the desktop computer to play the tuning CD during the tuning exercise. The sound from the computer is amplified with a Yamaha Monitor Speaker MS010II. This enables the children to hear the tuning notes much louder and much clearer than they would if we were to use the computer speakers alone.

My instructional objectives for this lesson were:

The student will be able to:

(1) Differentiate between two pitches and determine if the pitches are the same or different with at least 90% accuracy.

(2) Tune instrument accurately with assistance and demonstrate an increasing awareness of good intonation.

The goals are appropriate for this class because I have a number of students who have the potential to be great players but do not seem to be in touch with their inner ear. If the players are not hearing the notes in their minds, it is very difficult for them demonstrate the notes in tune on their instruments. Let me share with you why I picked this class to videotape.

Although I have high expectations for all of my students, this class has students with great potential and a desire to enhance their current skills. For example, Student #1 is a gifted student. She has some minor behavior problems and is easily frustrated. She reads music pretty well but her intonation is the worst in the class. I have been trying to get her to correct her poor left hand posture since the sixth grade, she has not responded. Lately, I have noticed that she is starting to hear the difference in her intonation when she commits to holding the instrument properly. Over the year, as she completed weekly playing test, I have tried to get her to understand just how closely related her technique is to her ability to play in tune and to reach those notes. She is still not able to adjust herself without my having to tell her. I often tell her to check her technique.

Student #2 is a great student, but is very bashful. She does not like to be singled out from the crowd. I give her praise often and verbally encourage her to push herself beyond her comfort zone. She is one that would prefer to stay inside the box and never come out. She plays an instrument in the school band and has difficulty with timing and staying with the group. I am concerned that she is unable to get in touch with her inner voice. She experiences few intonation problems when playing alone. During her playing test, she is confident and bold and plays more in tune when she is under pressure than when she is not under pressure. She is an avid reader and is very much a left-brained child. She is always reading a book and it does not take her long to complete them. She is new this year and has pretty much caught up with those who started in the 6th grade last year. She has minor intonation problems and is becoming a great music reader. She has a lot of potential and a bright future.

Student #3 is a bright student and plays an instrument in the school band as well. She reads often and is a little playful. Sometimes her left hand gets out of place and she does not really hear it, and therefore, she makes no adjustments. She often second-guesses herself, but is actually a solid player. When playing for weekly assessments, she is very confident, but her left hand is generally out of place. She is a hard worker and has made some improvements in her intonation.

Of these three students, one has been playing for two years, and the other two started learning to play this school year. I am knowledgeable about my students and their playing abilities. I know which students require more questioning drills, which ones need constant praise, and which ones need constant reminders about posture and technique. I am able to do that by moving around the room and getting into close proximity to them.

I use my knowledge of the arts by infusing the singing and playing of songs and tunes that are familiar to them and making examples and comparisons that they can synthesize, which is what Gardner mentions in his book, 5 Minds for the Future. Student understanding is evident in the video by the verbal responses as well as the adjustments that some students began to make, as they were matching pitches. Some began to adjust their fingers until the note got in tune.

I was able to foster an equitable learning environment by calling upon all students to actively participate in the lesson. Students felt comfortable going when it was their turn to go. I made sure that students received adequate individual attention while encouraging them to be independent thinkers. I did this by allowing them to practice alone and having brief conferences with each student. In addition, working in small groups allowed students to work in a smaller setting, yet still be able to conference with the teacher in a small group setting. This allowed me to reinforce skills or to clarify misconceptions. As I made my rounds, I noticed that students began to provide feedback to one another.

The assessment strategy I used in this lesson was a lot of questioning. There were some short-ended questions used, such as "Was that note sharp or flat?" Short-ended questions allow me to access where they were immediately. There were also some higher-level, open-ended questions that allowed students to provide an explanation for their answer. Questions such as "What would Essence need to do to fix that?" My reason for using the questioning often is that it allows me to receive immediate feedback from the students and let's me know if I need to clarify or re-teach a specific concept or what direction the lesson will take from that point. It also let's me know if I need to go back and re-teach a specific skill. Questioning is a quick way for me to assess what it is they may or may not know.

Watching myself on the video was very beneficial to me. It allowed me to see that my students did meet the standard of being able to differentiate between two pitches as well as tune strings on their instruments with or without assistance. Self-reflection is something that we do not do often enough. It has given me some insight on how the energy level of my students increased during the small group activity. Students appeared to take ownership of the lesson and I appeared to be more of a guide, helping to steer them in the right direction. I looked for non-verbal indicators in the video as well. I was able to look at how many students were having issues with left-hand technique and posture. You can also see who is or who is not participating in the lesson.

What I learned about myself was that I know my students pretty well. They respond to me and like it when I interject play into the lesson. Pink reminds us that everyone needs some lightheartedness and time to play. I think that orchestra class, as a whole, provides this sense of play as opposed to the core classes.

I attempted to infuse Pinks' design into the lesson, where the students could relate to a beautiful and emotionally engaging tune of Somewhere Over The Rainbow as opposed to just learning the functional purpose of matching a note to its octave. To infuse story into the lesson, I attempted to do this by singing the song I'm Going Down in-tune and then singing it out- of- tune. I attempted to shape a narrative that went beyond reasoning, yet gave them an example of what in-tune and out- of-tune really means.

As a result of viewing this lesson, I became aware of the singing component of the lesson. All but one of the students were able to match a pitch while singing or humming. The one who could not was Student #3, the one who has the problems with her hand getting out of position and not being able to hear it and make an adjustment. This let's me know I'll need to do a little more differentiated instruction with her by introducing lessons that work on listening skills. I will expose her to online activities and listening sites that she can benefit from by helping her to develop her inner voice. I must find some meaningful activity or fun game for her to help her reach the point where she can hear the notes in her head.

I learned that I go through the lesson at a rapid pace and for the most part, the students hung in there with me. I learned that I made references to pre-assessments and gave validity to why I felt this lesson was necessary in the first place. I learned that if there is a problem, we can focus in on it and make it better. This also helped give me some ideas and strategies for future learning. In this lesson, through questioning, I realized that my students were having the most difficulty hearing notes that are slightly flat. They did pretty well with notes that were sharp or significantly flat. I will use this information to re-direct instruction for the next lesson. I will use this video to make adjustments in the way I make my delivery. I realized that perhaps I could implement a little more for the visual learner. Perhaps have the printed scale in front of them instead of doing a rote activity. However, my whole purpose for this activity was to get them to focus on the auditory part of the lesson. I attempted to blend function with significance as mentioned in Pink's A Whole New Mind.

The overall lesson fit into the symphony of an ongoing musical experience. I hope that it was a meaningful experience for the student. It was definitely a reflective learning experience for me.

Composition Notation

Hello Fellow Classmates,

Please take a look at the notation for our composition and let me know if it is clear. Your suggestions are welcome.

I enjoyed creating this. It definitely got me outside of the box. In keeping with the views of Gardner, I tried to make it where is not only made sense to me, but would make sense to you, the performers. If you are able to synthesize what I have here, we can have a more meaninful performance. Give it a try and see if it makes sense. If possible, look at the notation as you are listening to the audio of it on this blog. Let me know if things are lined up okay.
Had to throw in a few left-brained notations such as bar lines, double barlines and rest. Other than that, the right-brain had a pretty good time putting things together. Give me your suggestions and feedback.