Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back Into the Swing of Things

Well, I must say that I am a little confused about what's going on with this course. I feel a sense of disconnect and hope I can somehow get re-connected. I'm reading the syllabus, but don't have the materials to really analyze or implement those strategies from the materials into my weekly instruction. Gonna need to get a better understanding of what is really expected. Are we to blog every week? If so, on what? When will we get the additional materials we are to use in our instruction? Well, got lots of questions. Hope to get some resolution soon.

I was out of work for 3 weeks in January with unexpected surgery, returned to work and got married that very next weekend, on Valentine's Day. Since then, I've been really trying to get things organized and in order. Lot's of life changes to deal with since 2010, all for the better I must say.

Trying to get back into the swing of things at school but I am really dealing with some awful attitudes from my students. How do you alter the mindset of kids who only want out of life what they can see before them right now. I wish they could only see a glimpse of what life down the road with be like for them in the next 5, 10, 15 years. Of course, it is a small few that have this issue. The majority of the kids are warm, optimisitc, and open to learning. But we all know that it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch.

The last thing I will touch on is where Daniel Pink talks about abundance. Our kids have an abundance of things; toys, trnkets, electronic devices, but are lacking in the skills that are going to making them globally competetive in the future. I collect at least one cell phone a week. The kids know they should not have them on or out but they pull them out anyway as if you don't have two eyes to see them. Anyway, perhaps we should turn them in on Asia, abundance and automation. Perhaps they may wake up and understand the urgency of getting all the education they can while they can.